Too funny. R. Scott Jones writes about
by getting clippers and adopting a buzz cut. I did the same, back in the day. He did have one worry:The rotary quern was perhaps the first labour-saving device. Using water power, rather than muscles, to turn the millstone made it even more efficient. Without watermills, it is doubtful whether ancient Romans could have enjoyed their bread and circuses. Because they require capital investment and...
Habits I have aplenty, some of them bordering on the obsessive. Do I need to weigh myself every morning if I record my weight only once a week? But rituals, very few. So what’s the difference?
August 15th is Ferragosto, a big-time holiday in Italy that harks back to the Emperor Augustus and represents a well-earned rest after the harvest. It is also the Feast Day of the Assumption, the day on which, Catholics believe, the Virgin Mary was taken, body and soul, into heaven.
Is there a c...
Someone kindly mentioned that a link I POSSEd to Mastodon seemed to be broken. I went to check, and was faced with a terrifying screen that told me that my CMS was correctly installed, but no Administrator had been created and would I like to create one. Yikes!